15 Relaxing Self-Care Tips to Practice Daily

15 Relaxing Self-Care Tips to Practice Daily- 2

Managing the day-to-day affairs of life can be stressful at times. Therefore, it is vital to start and end your day with relaxing self-care practices as often as possible. This blog provides 15 self-care tips that can help you to relax and develop a healthier you. I encourage you to give yourself the proper time and space for moments to reboot and recharge on a daily basis.  Let’s make it a habit to choose self-care options that cause us to become healthier, happier, and more effective individuals. Keep reading to learn more.

Also, use the form below to download your free printable Checklist for 15 Relaxing Self-Care Tips to Practice Daily by subscribing to the Journal Squad email group. If you are already subscribed to the Journal Squad, you will only need to log in to the Library of Freebies for Subscribers in order to download this checklist.

Repeat Positive Affirmations Daily

Practicing positive affirmations on a daily basis can be both relaxing and life-altering. As you develop a healthier mindset through the consistent use of affirmations, you will begin to see positive results.

Take Action: Repeat positive affirmations every morning and/or nightly. For a list of positive affirmations, read the blog post 30 Positive Daily Affirmations of Declaration and Motivation for the Ambitious Woman. Also, follow my Quotes and Affirmations board on Pinterest for additional inspiration.

Listen to Relaxing Music

Soft music and instrumentals can often bring a calming effect to any environment. It can help you to quiet your mind and manage stressful situations.

Take Action: Make a playlist of soft, instrumental songs that are of interest to you using the free printable checklist. Then, create your playlist and play it daily while you work or use it to unwind and relax after work.

Pre-Plan Your Week

Pre-planning can not only help you to accomplish more, but it will also help you to maintain a more relaxed work-life balance. The use of planners, calendar apps, alarms, and timers can be beneficial in helping you to stay on track.

Take Action: Use a planner to pre-plan the activities of your week on Sundays (work tasks, errands, preparing meals, housekeeping, etc.). Do daily check-ins to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Journal Your Thoughts Daily

Journal writing is a relaxing self-care routine. The consistent use of journaling can help you to clear your mind as you purge all of your thoughts on paper. As you purge those thoughts, you will gain the ability to better manage your emotions.

Take Action: Write your daily experiences, thoughts, ideas, and more using the free printable checklist. Also, consider using your journal to make a daily gratitude list.

Declutter and Organize Your Life

Having a cluttered environment, workspace, etc. can affect a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health. Decluttering and organizing spaces and things in your life can yield tremendous benefits that can ultimately cause you to be more relaxed.

Take Action: Consider implementing the following activities and others that you can think of to declutter and stay organized daily.

  • Clean out your closet and keep it organized, getting rid of items that you no longer need.
  • Delete old emails from your inbox and make it a daily habit to get rid of emails that you don’t need to keep.
  • Re-organize your office and desk spaces and purpose to keep them tidy on a daily basis.
  • Refresh your home with new decor and things that make you feel at peace and more relaxed.

Read a Calming Book or Magazine

It is a proven fact that reading reduces stress and increases relaxation. Reading can be a powerful escape from the demands of everyday life.

Take Action: Create a list of books and/or magazines for the year using the free printable checklist. Select a book or magazine off of your list to read in a quiet, distraction-free space every day.

Create an Exercise Routine

Consistent exercise can help reduce stress and calm anxiety. You can incorporate exercise into your workday by taking the stairs when possible, walking around the building, and standing up often.

Take Action: Create a routine to exercise 30 minutes or more on a daily basis. 

Make time to Laugh and Smile More

You deserve to be happy and sometimes you have to create those moments for yourself. What makes you laugh? Laughter does good like medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Find the time to laugh and smile. Don’t be so serious all of the time.

Take Action: Use the free printable checklist to make a list of the small things that bring joy to your life. Then, each day set the intent to choose at least one thing from your list that you can do for your enjoyment.

Practice Prayer and Meditation Techniques

Prayer and meditation techniques can help the body and mind become calmer and more relaxed. Both practices are known to be very beneficial for increasing physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. You should research to find the specific techniques that work best for you.

Take Action: Commit to spending 15 or more minutes each day in prayer and meditation. Find a dedicated space to get comfortable, eliminate any distractions, and take deep breathes as you focus your mind in prayer and meditation on a daily basis.

Free Yourself to Ask for Help and Delegate

I’m sure we can all use a lesson in learning to release our pride in order to ask for help when it’s needed.  Delegating your responsibilities can sometimes make life a little easier. What do you need help with? In what ways can you begin to delegate those obligations? Don’t be afraid to ask for help from trusted sources in your life. 

Take Action:  Use the free printable checklist and list those things that you need help with and write a secondary list of potential sources that you can use to delegate those responsibilities. Then, take action to get it done. 

Use Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Consider using aromatherapy to boost feelings of relaxation throughout the day in your home or after work. You can add essential oils to a diffuser in order to breathe it in through your nose. Or, you can apply the essential oils to your skin mixed with a carrier oil. To avoid irritation, carrier oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, avocado oil, and others should be used to dilute the essential oil and “carry” it through your skin. The following are a few of my favorite essential oils that are known to promote relaxation: lavender, lemongrass, lemon, orange, frankincense, peppermint, and chamomile.

Take Action: Find a few essential oils that you may like and try using aromatherapy methods to relax every day.

Take a Relaxing Break

Who doesn’t need a little break or getaway? I challenge you to find ways to take a relaxing break and even plan for a quick trip as a means to relax and reboot. Consider scheduling daily breaks from the duties of your work schedule. For example, take some time out to do something that you like i.e. indulge in your favorite treat at a bakery or coffee shop that you’ve never been to, or have lunch at a new restaurant. You can also plan a weekend getaway, road trip, or even a staycation. The main point I’m trying to make here is to give yourself a break.

Take Action: Schedule time to give yourself a break by taking the time to do something that you find relaxing every day. Also schedule some type of weekend getaway, road trip, or staycation as often as possible. 

Pamper Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

It really is alright to pamper yourself sometimes. As women, we often tend to the needs of others so much that we neglect ourselves. I know that I am guilty of that but I’ve learned to be more intentional in making time for pampering myself. And when I do, it better enables me to be in a happier, healthier state to help others more effectively. The following are a few simple ways that you can pamper yourself and relax daily:

  • Use a portable foot massage/bath to do a pedicure.
  • Find a new nail polish and give yourself a manicure.
  • Develop a morning and night skincare routine.
  • Deep condition your hair weekly.
  • Use a product to do a regular facial.
  • Take an hour-long, warm bubble bath.

Take Action: Use the free checklist to make a list of some ways that you like to be pampered and find time to do one or two things on a consistent basis if not daily.

Find Your Creative Outlet

I feel the most relaxed and in a calm state when I am free to create. I know that being in my zone of creativity is my happy place. I believe that we are all creative beings. You just have to discover your creativity and utilize it to rest in the relaxation that it can bring. The following are a few questions that you should consider asking yourself in order to discover your creative outlet:

  • What makes me unique?
  • What brings me joy?
  • What do my friends and family love most about me?
  • What gives me meaning in life?
  • What are my major strengths?

Take Action: Use the questions above to journal your thoughts as you answer the questions above and begin conducting research to find your creative outlet.

Unplug and Practice Being Present in the Moment

We are constantly bombarded with so many distractions throughout the day. However, you must make a choice to “unplug” and practice being present. Doing that requires turning off the cell phone, social media, notifications, and anything else that may be distracting. 

Take Action: As you unplug from the distracting things that may be in your space, take some time to breathe, think over some things, and be present in the moment.

Questions to Consider

What are your thoughts? Please share your answers to the following two questions in the comments section below. Thanks!

1- How do you plan to use the information from this blog post?

2- What additional questions or informational tips would be helpful to you for self-care?

15 Self-Care Tips